May is Asian American, Pacific Islander Heritage Month! I believe now more than ever with the Asian hate the U.S. has been experiencing, it is so important to celebrate the music, dance, and traditions of the AAPI community! In today’s blog post I will be sharing with you 3 lessons I plan to do with my students to end the school year!
E Papa Waiari Stick Game
This stick game is from the Maori People which is an indigenous group from New Zealand. The Maori people were known to be fierce warriors. This stick game originated to help with hand – eye coordination.
- Watch video to gather background knowledge
- Get out rhythm sticks and practice each part alone and facing the teacher
- Students partner up and try parts with partner
- Add music and perform
- Try the “2nd Level” adding the throwing and flipping parts

Tinikling is a Filipino Folk Dance that originated from the Philippines. This dance came about from watching the Tikling bird weave in and out of the bamboo traps rice farmers set up to keep the bird from eating their crops. Hence the tapping bamboo poles tapped in a pattern on the ground and the dancers jumped within them never getting “caught”!
- Showcase Tinikling in action
- Talk about the history and background of the Tinikling Dance
- Use body percussion to get the feeling of ¾ time
- Learn to tap the poles on the group
- Learn figure 1
- Put it together with the tapping
- Learn figure 2
- Put together with tapping
- Create a dance and perform

Tanko Bushi
This Folk Dance originated in Japan that celebrates the coal mining country. Many of the moves in this dance are coal mined inspired. Pair this with the modern twist on the song of Tanko Bushi by the Minyo Crusaders and your students will love it!
- Talk about the background of this folk dance and define what is coal mining
- Watch the dance and see if the students can identify any of the moves inspired by coal mining
- Learn the dance move by move in a scattered formation
- Extend to the formation of a circle