Welcome to my first ukulele post on this site! I want this ukulele section to be a great resource to you and your students. I will be posting tutorials, print-outs, and tips here on this page!
This first post showcases how you can utilize this visual guide to teach your students the Addams Family theme song on their ukuleles! With the new animated movie coming out recently, students are more familiar and excited to learn this song, whereas they may not have heard of the classic show!
First up is a tab for the beginning theme. It consists of a repeated finger pattern: first on the G string, then the A string, then back on the G string to end. I would have students pivot their hand as much as possible while either using their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd fingers if they can handle the stretch, or they may also use 1st, 2nd, and their pinky. Alternatively, students could sing the A part and snap or tap their instrument on the X’s.
Beginners will definitely find that the chords are very approachable! The D minor to G7 chord transition makes for a challenge and great practice. Suggest to your students that they keep their first finger planted and just move their 2nd and 3rd to make it an easier transition.
Lastly, the strum should technically be swung, but if that is too difficult, you can always just do straight eighth notes or simply down strums!
Happy playing!