This blog post will focus all about Gustav Holst’s Orchestral Suite, “The Planets”, and discuss ways to incorporate it into your General Music classroom.
For some context, as a proud Strings kid in school (Woo!), I remember having so much fun playing Jupiter and Mars in orchestra and I knew, as an educator, I wanted to bring these pieces to life for my students!
With this in mind, I created a Journey to “The Planets” Virtual Field Trip, which can be found here on TpT (*shameless plug! :D), if you’re interested, after hearing a bit about how I organized the unit!
There are a total of 7 planets within Holst’s “The Planets” and, for my planning purposes, I envisioned having each planet be a mini-lesson (10-15 minutes) at the beginning or end of a lesson. Rather than focus 7 full lessons, I felt this would be the most engaging way to provide meaningful musical experiences for them while still continuing to teach other concepts. I also found it challenging to always incorporate the actual piece of music for each planet in the accompanying activities so I designed some activities that would connect with the overall theme of that Planet, for example.
How I structured each mini-lesson:
- Set the Stage for your Journey to Outer Space!
- Do a countdown and blast off into space!
- Briefly talk about Gustav Holst and how, as a composer, he was so inspired by space that he decided to compose 7 movements called “The Planets”
- Philharmonia Sessions (London)
- They made amazing 4-5 minute Listening Guides for every moment that provide information on the planet, themes/motif, Greek mythology.
Mars – Bringer of War
Mars – The Bringer of War
- We first watch the Philharmonia Orchestra Listening Guide about Mars
- Mini-Lesson Focus:
- Here is a Creative Movement Play-Along Video to accompany the first 2 minutes of “Mars”, which you can find on my YouTube channel here
- This video is filled with all kinds of creative movement prompts to simulate exploring, avoiding a meteor shower and being caught in a windstorm!
- There is also a simple and approachable Body percussion ostinato in 5/4 that helped the kids internalize the meter!
- Here is a Creative Movement Play-Along Video to accompany the first 2 minutes of “Mars”, which you can find on my YouTube channel here
Venus – Bringer of Peace

- Start with the Guided Listening video with 3-4 Fun Facts about the planet
- Mini-Lesson Focus:
- Highlight the Celesta used throughout this piece!
- Talk about its use in other famous pieces of music!
Mercury – The Winged Messenger
- Guided Listening Video with 3-4 Fun Facts
- Mini-Lesson Focus:
- For Mercury, I made a Solfege practice activity where my students would sing a given solfege pattern and then I would show a little video snippet of a particular task in the Day in the Life of an Astronaut.
- This provided a little extra motivation for my students to practice known concepts while making a connection to the differences in how Astronauts do their day-to-day tasks in Space without gravity!
- For Mercury, I made a Solfege practice activity where my students would sing a given solfege pattern and then I would show a little video snippet of a particular task in the Day in the Life of an Astronaut.
Jupiter – Bringer of Jollity
- Guided Listening Video with 3-4 Fun Facts (The Red Spot is a storm that’s been raging for hundreds of years! Wow!)
- Highlight the Chorale (beautiful, legato part in ¾)
- Great opportunity for an instrument play-along
- Within my Virtual Field Trip, I created an Instrument Play-along video with suggested instruments and patterns to the Chorale
- If you wanted to make your own, you could pick 3-4 instruments and create simple rhythm patterns to accompany that portion of the piece
- Great opportunity for an instrument play-along
Saturn – Bringer of Old Age
- Guided Listening Video with 3-4 Fun Facts
- Mini-Lesson Focus:
- Practice identifying Time Signatures to connect with the “Time” element within this movement using simple two-measure rhythm patterns and asking the students which Time Signature matches
- This was a great opportunity to remind my students about other musical terms like “Bar line” and “Measure”
- Practice identifying Time Signatures to connect with the “Time” element within this movement using simple two-measure rhythm patterns and asking the students which Time Signature matches
Uranus – The Magician
- Guided Listening Video with 3-4 Fun Facts
- After learning about the movement, I connected with the theme of a Magician by making a Rhythm Practice video (not using the music from the piece) where the students said a 4-beat rhythm pattern and then a magician performed a magic trick!
Neptune – The Mystic
- Guided Listening Video with 3-4 Fun Facts
- Create a Speech piece using the Planets and other Space vocabulary!
- Within my Virtual Field Trip, I made a set of cards you could print out for the students to use and create 8-beat patterns to perform!